Sequencing analysis on the ITS region and AFLP analysis to identify dried medicinal Angelica species

當歸類 한약재 감별을 위한 ITS 부위의 염기서열 및 AFLP 분석

Choi Ho-Young;Choi Young-Ju;Lee Je-Hyun;Ham Inhye

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives: Our research purpose is the establishment of standard identification analysis on A. gigas, A. acutiloba, and A. sinensis by PCR-mediated fingerprinting. Methods: We used the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) method on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions and Amplified fragment length Polymorphism(AFLP) method. Results: 1. We could perform DNA extraction from both fresh and dried plant. 2. According to the RAPD analysis, especially Uniprimer #1, Uniprimer #2, Uniprimer #4 and Uniprimer #9 were useful. 3. All Angelica species samples were observed 600-603 bp on ITS region and the amount of G+C is $54.4-58.3\%$ at ITS-I region and $55.9-59.5\%$ at ITS-2 regions 4. In case of restriction enzymes Sma Ⅰ, Msp Ⅰ, Hae Ⅲ, and Hinf Ⅰ used in this experiment, The critical fragment band of A. gigas could be used properly discriminating other samples (A. acutiloba, and A. sinensis) used as RFLP marker on ITS regions. 5. The AFLP profile showed specoes specification to each random primer. Conclusion: These results can be used as a way of discriminating crude drugs such as A. gigas, A. acutiloba, and A. sinensis{China) and will be used controlling herbal medicine quality, preserving of medicinal plants.



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