Study on the Natril sulfas's dose of Shanghanlun

傷寒論의 芒硝 용량

Kim In-Rak;Shon Sung-Suk

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine new assumptive value of Natril sulfas of Shanghanlun. Methods : Find out the dose of Natril sufase in Shanghanlun, and measured the real volume, and find out the new assumptive vaules. Results and Conclusions: 1. the I day's dose of Natril sulfase is 104g in Daehamhyungtang, 52g in Jowiseunggitang, 30g in Daeseonggltang, 13g in Dohecbeonggitang and Sihogamangchotang. 2. The real dose of Daeseonggitang is 26g, the rate of Natril sulfase is Daehamhyungtang : Jowiseonggitang : Daesconggitang : Doheckseonggitang : Sihogamangchotang = 8:4:2:1:1. 3. Natril sulfase is powder, so to mea sue the volume is easy, but Doheckseonggitang and Sihogamangchotang's dose is so small, so measured the weight.



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