Study on the Variable Factors Connected with Stress Affecting Menstrual Pattern of the North Korean Female Defectors

탈북여성들의 월경에 영향을 미치는 스트레스 관련 인자들에 관한 연구

Yuk, Sang-Suk;Lim, Eun-Mee;Kim, Yoon-Sang

  • Published : 20040000


Purpose : This study was carried out to investigate the modification of menstrual pattern after defecting from the North Korea and the stress factors affecting menstrual pattern.Methods : We researched with 179 women in the Settlement Support Facility for North Korean Defectors by questionnaires and investigate the modification of menstrual pattern after defecting from the North Korea and compared the results of the questionnaires.Results : Amenorrhea occured to 30.5% of all, change in menstrual period, duration, quantity of menstration flow and amout of clotted blood during of menstrual duration appeared more than 50% of all.The occurrence of change in menstrual pattern was about 15 months from North Korea defecting. Amenorrhea continued during about three months. Menstrual period showed a tendency to increase, but menstrual duration, quantity of menstration flow and amout of clotted blood showed a tendency to decrease.Escape$\cdot$threaten$\cdot$detention, weight gain or loss, sleeping hours, degree of physical and psychic fatigue were significantly associated with menstrual pattern. But smoking and drinking showed no significantly relation. Conclusion : Based on the results described above, it is considered that above stress variables might be relate to menstrual pattern.



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