A Clinical Case Study on Cobb's angle Decrease through Chuna therapy with Scoliosis Patient

척추측만증의 추나 치료를 통한 Cobb's angle 감소를 나타낸 이상 증례보고

Kim, Yong;Park, Jong-Min;Yun, Mun-Sik;Kim, Seung-Yong;Sin, Jun-Sik

  • Published : 20040000


Objective : The Purpose of this study is to compare X-ray Cobb's angle and clinical symptoms with a 13-years-old girl who has C-T spine $12^{\circ}$, T-spine $20^{\circ}$, T-L spine $33^{\circ}$ with X-ray Cobb's angle. Methods : Clinical datas were compared visual observation (Included IBS 2000) and Cobb's angle with X-ray Full spine A.P. and lateral view. Results : Patient's chief complain is scoliotic position, high left shoulder, left rib hump, hip right projection and walking disorder. Most symptoms and Cobb's angle(C-T spine $12^{\circ} \rightarrow 9^{\circ}$, T spine $20^{\circ} \rightarrow 17^{\circ}$, T-L spine $33^{\circ} \rightarrow 25^{\circ}$) decreased. Conclusions : We experienced improvement of symptoms to this patient by Chuna therapy.



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