A Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Electrostimulation on AcupunctureLoci in the Treatment of Dysmenorrhia

월경통에 대한 전침의 임상 효과

Kim, Nim;Jang, Gyeong Ho;Kim, Se Hyeon;Kim, Sang U

  • Published : 20040000


Purpose : The purpose of this study is to identify the clinical effects of electrostimulation on acupuncture loci in the treatment of dysmenorrhia. Method : This study is carried out to the 20 volunteers who suffering from menorrhalgia. The volunteers was selected from January, 2004 to March, 2004 through Bundang CHA Oriental Hospital. We invesigated general characteristics, menstrual and dysmenorrheic charateristics through Case Research Form(CRF) and camparison of before and after electrostimulation on acupuncture loci by using Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) for sample patients. We divided to two groups, primary(N=12) and secondary(N=8) and compared the effects of the treatment. And we invesigated the change of VAS score as time goes on. Results : 1. The VAS score on before and after treatment were 89 12.52 and 7 9.23. The VAS score of after electrostimulation on acupuncture loci was decreased significantly compared with that of before(P〈0.01). 2. The VAS score on primary group and secondary group were 88.33 10.3 and 72.5 11.34 after treatment. The VAS score of primary group after electrostimulation on acupuncture loci was decreased significantly compared with that of secondary group(P〈0.0071). 3. The VAS score decreased above 50 points around 15 minutes after electrostimulation on acupuncture loci. Conclusion 1. The electrostimulation on acupuncture loci will be efficacious against dysmenorrhea. 2. Primary group was more effective than secondary group in electrostimulation on acupuncture loci. 3. It seemed that electrostimulation on acupuncture loci should be over 15 minutes.



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