Panel Models about Determining Factors of Urban Flood Damages

패널모형에 의한 도시지역 수해결정요인 분석

Choi, Choong-Ik

  • Published : 2004.12.31


This study strives to determine the primary factors and to construct an effective counter-plan by means of empirical research. After selecting research questions based on considerations of issues concerning causes for urban flooding, their relevance is put to the test by conducting empirical research in individual case locations. This research verifies the four research questions by panel modeling. The four research questions are empirically analyzed through panel modeling in the context of case locations in individual cities and counties in Kyonggi province. Based on the analyses, suggestions concerning policy aspects of flood damage are as follows. Firstly, as natural factors are not controllable, there is a need for an accurate alarm system to provide reliable forecast of rapidly changing weather. Especially as summer rainfall concentrations after 1980s show to be very elastic, there is a need for a much more concentrated forecasting in June, July, August and September. Secondly, if major scale urbanization is unavoidable, concentrated rather than dispersed development can allow for greater open spaces to reduce flood damage. In effect, the key to flood damage control lies in planning to secure pervious layers by allowing for open spaces within the city and thus reducing imperviousness. Thirdly, the fact that embankments were not greatly effective in the last 32 years indicates the need for a paradigm change and greater diversity concerning the existing flood damage policy. Instead of clinging to the notion of embankments for protection, land use planning should be utilized for harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. Fourthly, an effective flood control policy should reflect local characteristics, and there is a need for respective cities and counties with greater local knowledge to be the primary flood management authority.



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