The relation between the type of leisure activity and self-identity of youth

청소년의 여가활동 유형과 자아정체감의 관계

Koo, Chang-Mo

  • Published : 20040000


This study was to figure out the relation between the type of leisure activity and self-identity of youth, give motivations of several leisure activity participation to youth and provide basic models for setting up of desirable self-identity. The subjects of this study were 473 students of middle and highschools in Seoul, 2004 and their informations were analysed by reliability analysis, factor analysis and ANCOVA. Through this study, the following results were acquired; Firstly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in demographic variables, male students were more independent than female students and high class students do that than low class students; middle school students were more confident with their future than highschool students; high class students were more oriented with their objects than low class students. Secondly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in type of leisure activity of male students, the type of leisure activity were not different among them significantly in variables as like independence, self-acceptance, certainty on the future, object orientation, leadership and intimacy. Thirdly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in type of leisure activity of female students, the type of leisure activity were different among them significantly in variables as like independence, object orientation and intimacy; they preferred to social activity and spiritual things in indepence and object orientation, and social activity and natural activity in intimacy. That is, the preferrence in type of leisure activity of female students were different with that of male students.



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