Toward Developing Social Capital Indicators

사회적 자본의 측정지표에 관한 연구

So, Jin-Gwang

  • Published : 20040000


Social capital can be approached differently according to various fields such as spatial, social, and cultural dimensions of community. This study aims to develop social capital indicators. Social capital has so many multi faceted aspects that cannot be defined or measured easily. In addition, there might be some confusion with the terminology haunted by "capital". Social capital can be differentiated from the traditional capital such as financial capital, physical capital, human capital, etc. in that it is primarily inclusive, whereas traditional capital is mainly exclusive. The main difference between social capital and traditional capital is that traditional capital can be measured by ownership, whereas social capital can be used only by the networks on trust, and cannot be measured by ownership. Therefore, it would be needed to resolve social capital into several tangible conceptual components, so that social capital can be identified or measured. But the relevant conceptual components and expressional factors of social capital can be varied according to the purpose of defining social capital and the usefulness of social capital. In this context, this study is trying to identify the purpose of defining social capital, outline the usefulness of social capital and relate that to the conceptual components and expressional factors of social capital. Those linkage processes between the usefulness and the conceptual components and expressional factors of social capital are expected to contain some tangible indicators to measure social capital. Several indicators to measure social capital can be suggested depending on the linkage processes between the usefulness and the conceptual components of social capital: trust to share commonality, citizens' participation to set up common goals or objectives, network to maintain neighborhood or community, institution building to mobilize resources or secure safety nets, and altruism to create common benefits.



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