Analysis of kinematics and EMG on stepping over obstacles in elderly persons

장애물 보행에 의한 노인 낙상의 운동학 및 근전도 분석

Chung, Chul-Soo;Yoon, Te-Jin;Yu, Yeon-Joo;Choi, Chi-Sun

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of the kinematics and muscle activities while elderly persons who had experienced falling stepped over obstacles. Six elderly non-fallers and six elderly fallers stepped over obstacles of 0, 2.5, 5.1, 15.2 cm height. The results showed that the duration stepped over the obstacles was longer in female fallers than female non-fallers. The crossing speed in stepping over obstacles was slower in female fallers than female non-fallers. Both male and female showed the longest duration and the slowest speed while stepping over the height of 15.2cm. The distance between the rear edge of the obstacle and the heel after stepping over the obstacle was shorter in female fallers than in female non-fallers. The minimum foot clearance significantly increased in the increases of the height of the obstacles. However, the significant difference between fallers and non-fallers did not showed in the minimum foot clearance. Although no stride length, left stride length, and right stride length differences were found in four obstacles and falling experience, fallers exhibited more conservative strategy when crossing obstacles. Ankle angles in non-fallers showed a certain pattern with increases of the height of the obstacles, but fallers showed unstable dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. The knee and hip angles showed a certain pattern without any difference in the height of the obstacles whereas the knee and hip angles showed differences in fallers and non-fallers. The mean EMG did not show any significant difference in the heights of obstacles and falling experience. We concluded that elderly persons who experienced falling stepped over the obstacles with conservative strategy. To prevent and reduce the frequency of falls, elderly persons maintained and improved their mobility.



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