Effect of Taekwondo career on the bone mineral density and body composition in juvenile athletes

태권도 수련정도가 유소년들의 골밀도 수준과 신체구성 변인에 미치는 효과

Lee, Jae-Soo;Han, Jong-Woo;Jee, Yong-Seok

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of Taekwondo training levels on the variables of bone mineral density and body composition in 24 young men(experimental group) compared with 8 young men(control group), who didn't experience the Taekwondo. For the purpose, making the experimental group separated by 3 groups(E3: 3poom, E2: 2poom, E1: 1poom) and the control group(C) respectively. All the measured data were represented by mean and standard deviation(SD) using SPSS package(version 10.0). The statistical techniques for data analysis were used by one way ANOVA. And then we performed scheffe post-hoc method for investigating exactly the differences between groups. The 5% level of significance was used as the critical level for acceptance of hypotheses for the study. The results of the study are as followed: At first, the statistically different variables of the bone mineral density were leg level(E3 & E1 group; E3 & C group), trunk level(E3 & E1 group; E3 & C group), spine level(E3 & E1 group), calcium level(E3 & E1 group; E3 & C group), and bone mineral content(E3 & E1 group; E3 & C group). At second, the statistically different variable of the body composition was a muscle mass(E3 & E1 group; E3 & C group), meaning that the E3 Taekwondo group, has been trained for a long time, was superior to the other three groups. As a conclusion of these results, we could know that if the young men performed the Taekwondo training for a long time, more or less 3 years, they could have the improved body composition.



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