Leisure Education and Psychosocial Well-Being of Elders in the Nursing Home

여가교육과 재가노인복지시설노인의 심리사회적 건강

Kim, Dong-Gun;Cho, Min-Haeng

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to identify effects of Leisure education program on psychosocial well-being of elders women who are living in the nursing home. Subjects met the following criteria:(a) older than 65 years, (b) have not participated in another leisure education or leisure counseling program, (c) had difficulty leaving nursing home without assistance and limitations in two or more activities of daily living. A single subject multiple baseline design, replicated across two participants, was employed. the effects of the leisure education program on the dependent measures of psychosocial well-being were analyzed through visual inspection of graphic displays which involved identification of the following factor:(a) median level within and between conditions;(b) trend direction and changer in trend within and between phases. The intervention consisted of participation in a leisure education program twice a week for one hour over(eight)weeks. Participants' leisure participation and boredom and loneliness were positively affected by the leisure education program. Depression of elders were not affected by the leisure education program.



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