Aggression in Korean Adolescents:Relevant Variables and Path Diagram

한국 청소년의 공격성 관련변인 및 표출 경로

Kim, Heon-Su;Kim, Hyeon-Sil

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives:The purposes of this study were (1) to identify etiological factors contributing formation of aggression in Korean adolescents, and (2) to develop a path diagram for Korean adolescent’s aggression. Methods:Data were collected by self-report questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 2,111 adolescents. Proportional stratified random sampling method was used. The major instruments was the Mental Health Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents. The Cronbach’s Alpha of the subscales ranged from .54 to .95. Statistical methods were Chi-square, correlation analysis, t-test and path analysis. Results:(1) Delinquent adolescents showed more dysfunctional family dynamics, higher maladaptive personality, more negative coping strategies and more frequent history of being sexually abused and higher alcohol·drug abuse than student adolescents. And delinquent adolescents also showed higher aggressive impulsiveness and aggressive behavior than student adolescents. (2) The contributing variables on aggression were person-related aggressive impulsiveness, antisocial personality, self-injured aggressive impulsiveness, gender, sexual abuse, psychosomatic symptoms II, drug abuse, age, parent-child relationship, alcohol abuse and cognitive avoidance coping strategies. Conclusion:Aggressive impulsiveness is closely linked to violent and aggressive behavior in Korean adolescents. However, the relevant variables such as family, personality, coping strategies, sexual and drug abuse contribute to their aggression



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