Analysis of Relationship between Korean Winter Temperature Variability and Global Circulation Indices

한반도 겨울철 기온 변동과 대규모 순환지수와의 상관성 분석

Im, Eun-Soon;Ahn, Joong-Bea

  • Published : 20040000


In this study, the relationships between winter temperature variability of Korea and global circulation indices such as Arctic Oscillation(AO), Southern Oscillation(SO), Winter monsoon, and Siberian High are investigated for their possible statistical linkages. It is found that the AO is closely related with the winter temperature over Korea with correlation coefficient of 0.51 for the period of 1910-2001, highly significant. The winter temperature anomaly in Korea is also closely related with winter monsoon indices proposed by Jhun et al.(2002) and Youn(2003), and Siberian High index defined as the average SLP over the 70$^\circ$E-120$^\circ$E and 40$^\circ$N-60$^\circ$N. In contrast, it seems that there is no linear relationship between the winter temperature anomaly and SO. The correlation statistics also shows that significant relationships exist among these indices considered in this research. For example, the AO is significantly related with not only winter temperature but also the indices of winter monsoon and Siberian High. Moreover, there is clear out-of-phase relationship and strong connections between the AO and the Siberian High. A multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to see the contribution of these indices to the winter temperature anomaly. The AO, SO, WMI and SHI can explain 73 percents of the variance in winter minimum temperature. It is revealed that AO is the most important contribution for winter temperature, and that the explained variance by the other indices except for SO is reaching around 20 percents. Based on the results, it is suggested that the dynamics related with the Arctic Oscillation, Winter Monsoon and Siberian High and relationships between the phenomena might be able to explain the variance of winter temperature anomaly in Korea, and that the AO, WMI, and SHI indices could be an important independent variable for estimation of winter temperature.



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