Applying the Grid Unit for the Land Suitability Assesment in Korea

효율적인 토지적성평가를 위한 격자 평가단위 적용에 관한 연구

Lee, Jong-Yong;Lee, Yong-Bum

  • Published : 2004.12.31


Land suitability assessment system(LSAS) has been introduced to prevent cursory development by urban sprawl and to lead a harmonious development with conservation in the non-urban area. However, with the lack of experience and knowledge various problems have been arisen in the operation of this system, raising a question for the improvement of the assessment unit of land. This study analyzed land suitability assessment by parcel unit and grid unit in order to reveal the most rational and efficient way for the assessment unit of land. The results of this study show that there was not much difference in the level of land suitability by parcel unit and grid unit, but, for large sized lands, grid unit based assessment was more suitable than parcel based assessment in the representation of consecutive characteristics of land use. Therefore, grid based assessment if suitable for the unit of assessment, with the advantage for larger land, for the areas in which land management information system(LMIS) is not completed.



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