The Impact of Identification with University Sport Team and Majoring Department on Identification and Loyalty with University

대학 스포츠 팀 동일시와 학부(학과) 동일시가 대학 동일시와 충성도에 미치는 영향

Kim, Se-Woong;Chang, Kyung-Ro

  • Published : 20040000


The current research investigates the impacts of students' identification with university sport teams and majoring department on university identification. Organizational identification is a symbolic and psychological association with significant outcomes for both organizations and their members. It is not difficult to understand why most organizations today want their members to commit to the values and goals of the organization. University sport teams foster positive identification and goodwill for the university among students, graduates, and citizens of community. This goodwill, public support,and identification help the university serve its varied missions in all its activities. In addition, departmental identification developed through occupational importance, professor ability, major future, peer satisfaction, and so on would help develop identification with the institution. Drawing data(N=600 )collected at three universities in Korea, the effect of identification with university sport teams and majoring department on identification with university, the effect of identification with university sport teams and a majoring department on university loyalty were investigated. Structural equation modeling (i.e., LISREL) was employed to test the causal relationships among the hypothesized relationships. Results showed that perceived image of university sport teams and majoring department had an impact on identification with university sport teams and majoring department respectively. Both identification with university sport teams and majoring department had impacts on university identification and university loyalty. Finally, identification with university showed positive effects on university loyalty.



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