Selection of Crabapples as Pollinizers for 'Hongro' Apple Cultivar

'홍로' 사과품종에 적합한 수분수용 꽃사과 선발

Kang, In-Kyu

  • Published : 20040000


Five crabapples, ‘Manchurian’, ‘Sentinel’, ‘Yantaishagou’, ‘Hopa A’ and ‘SKK14’, were evaluated as pollinizers of ‘Hongro’ apple tree for their flowering times, percentage of pollen germination, fruit setting, and disease and pest resistance. Flowering dates of ‘Manchurian’, ‘Yantaishagou’, and ‘Hopa A’, which ranged from April 19 to May 1, coincided with ‘Hongro’ apple cultivar. Those three crabapples had high percentage of pollen germination rate and fruit set pollinated with ‘Hongro’. They were resistant to apple blotch, sooty blotch and fly speck. Fruit characteristics of ‘Hongro’ cultivar pollinated with any of three crabapples were similar to open pollinated fruits. The results suggested that three crabapples, ‘Manchurian’, ‘Yantaishagou’, and ‘Hopa A’, could be suitable pollinizers for ‘Hongro’ apple cultivar.

본 시험은 ‘홍로’ 품종에 적합한 수분수용 꽃사과를 선발하기 위하여 ‘Manchurian’, ‘Sentinel’, ‘Yantaishagou’, ‘Hopa A’ 및 ‘SKK14’ 등 5품종을 공시하여 개화기, 화분 발아률, 병해충 피해정도, 인공수분시 착과률 등을 조사하였다. ‘Manchurian’, ‘Yantaishagou’ 및 ‘Hopa A’의 개화기가 4월 19일부터 5월 1일경까지로 ‘홍로’ 품종과 개화기가 거의 일치하면서, 화분 발아률과 ‘홍로’ 품종과의 착과률도 우수하였고, 복숭아심식나방, 갈색무늬병 및 그을음병에도 강하였다. 과실 특성면에서는 5개 꽃사과 품종의 화분으로 수분된 과실과 자연방임 수분된 과실간에 차이가 없었다. 따라서 ‘홍로’ 품종의 수분수로 ‘Manchurian’, ‘Yantaishagou’ 및 ‘Hopa A’가 적합한 것으로 판단된다.



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