Analysis of the Evaluation for Clinical Performance Examination using Standardized Patients in one Medical School

일개 의과대학에서 실시한 표준화환자(SP)를 이용한임상수행능력평가시험(CPX) 결과 분석

Kim, Ju-Ja;Lee, Gyeong-Jae;Choe, Gyu-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Hwan

  • Published : 20040000


Purpose: Analysis of the evaluation for clinical performance examination(CPX) using standardized patient(SP) in one medical school was done to compare the evaluations between the staffs and SPs, among the staffs, and among the SPs, and to investigate the correlation between the evaluation scores and the school record. Methods: Clinical performance examination was done to seventy-nine 4th grade medical students. Checklist was modified from the existing reference and added more items. Three SPs who were non-physician volunteers were trained by authors about what is the disease and how to act the patient and how to evaluate the students. Three staffs and three SPs both filled up the checklist at the same time right after each student's performance. Results: Agreements between the staffs and the SPs were relatively high enough in the items of physical examination and management but low in the history taking related items although they were statistically significant. In the evaluation between the staffs and the SPs, the mean scores in the management and overall attitude were not significantly different, but, mean scores in the history taking, physical examination and overall skill were significantly different. Among the staffs there were no significant differences in history taking, physical examination, overall attitude, and there were significant differences in patient management and overall skill. Among the SPs there were no significant differences in physical exam, patient management and overall skill, and there were significant differences in history taking and overall attitude. The correlation coefficients between the evaluation scores and school records, between the evaluation scores and written report were relatively low respectively. Conclusion: To increase the agreement rates between the staffs and SPs, more training for the staffs and SPs are necessary



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