A Study on the Ecological Evaluation for the Nature-friendly Residential Site Development Planning

환경친화적 택지개발계획 수립을 위한 환경생태평가기법 연구

Kwon, Jeon-O

  • Published : 2004.04.30


The purpose of this study was establishment of the ecological evaluation technique which was quantitative, objective to evaluate the ecosystem for the nature-friendly residential site development planning, and analyzed possibility to use it practically. The biotope types was divided on the base of data for land use, actual vegetation and plant community structure etc. The criteria of biotope types classification were rarity, climax forest, ecological characteristics, naturalness(Spontaneous generation), multi-layer structure, period of development, damaged degree, etc.. In the high category, biotope types were evaluated by ecological value, public environmental function, multi-environmental function, in the low category, the biotope tyes was evaluated by index of spontaneous generation, naturalized grass, the percentage of introduced plants, degree of naturalness, coverage, land capability classification. According to the result of biotope type evaluation, the biotope type evaluation map was made. At last it was suggested that small river basin evaluaton technique and principles of the landscape ecology for the mutual biotope linkage.



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