Relations between Self - efficacy and Learned Helplessness of Obese Student according to the obese degree

초등학생의 비만도에 따른 자기효능감과 체육학습에서 학습된 무기력의 관계

Kim, Young-Un;Nam, Haeng-Woong

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between self-efficacy and learned helplessness of children according to the obese degrees. The participants for this study were 985 students 4․5․6 grades in six elementary school located in Wonju city, who made selected and tested on their self-efficacy and learned helplessness questionnaire. Data were t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation Analysis processed using the SPSS/PC+11.0 statistical package. The results are as follows. First, self-efficacy score of obese students according to the level of obese were lower than those who have normal group but there were no significances in self-confidence factor. Second, obese students were higher than those who have normal group except the lack of situation control. Third, there were no significances in self-efficacy according to the sex in obese group. Fourth, there were no significances in learned helplessness except the lack of interpersonal relationships according to the sex in obese group. Finally, the correlations of self-efficacy and learned helplessness were significant differences in the obese group.



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