Development of the Cognitive Stress Response Scale

인지적 스트레스반응 척도의 개발

Go, Gyeong-Bong;Park, Jung-Gyu

  • Published : 20040000


Objective:The purpose of this study was to develop a cognitive stress response scale (CSRS). Methods:First, a preliminary survey was conducted for 109 healthy adults to obtain 29 response items. Second, a preliminary questionnaire was completed by 215 healthy subjects. Third, a comparison was made regarding cognitive responses among 73 patients with depressive disorders and 215 healthy subjects. Results:Factor analysis yielded 3 subscales:extreme-negative thought, aggressive-hostile thought, and self-depreciative thought. Reliability was computed by administering the CSRS to 62 healthy subjects during a 2-week interval. Test-retest reliability for 3 subscales and the total score were significantly high, ranging between. 87-.95. Internal consistency was computed, and Cronbach’ $\alpha$ for 3 subscales ranged between. 82-.91, and .94 for the total score. Convergent validity was computed by correlating the 3 subscales and the total score with the total score of the global assessment of recent stress (GARS) scale, the perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ), and the symptom checklist-90-revised (SCL-90-R). The correlations were all at significant levels. The depressive disorder group was significantly higher than control group in all the subscale scores and total scores of the CSRS. In total scores of the CSRS, female subjects were significantly higher than males. Conclusion:These results indicate that the CSRS is highly reliable and valid, and that it can be utilized as an effective measure for research related to cognitive assessment



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