A Study on the Land Suitability Assessment Methods for Effective Land Management

국토의 효율적 관리를 위한 토지적성평가 기법에 관한 연구

Chae, Mie-Oak;Oh, Young-June

  • Published : 2004.02.29


The Korean government enacted a new law, The National Land Planning and Use Law in 2002. It is the fused version of the fused version of the existing two laws, National Land Use and Management Law enacted in 1972 and Urban Planning Law enacted in 1962. The new law introduced Land Suitability Assessment System(LSAS) for the first time in order to coordinate various controversies between development pressure and conservation need. This study aims basically to review methods and techniques needed for land suitability assessment. LSA is to assess land according to its physical, locational, socio-economical, and environmentat characteristics, and then to classify it into several categories based on its usability and the necessity for conservation. The most important process in conducting LSA is how to make assessment standards, such as points or weights of each factors. Several techniques are reviewed, including Delphi Technique, Analytic Hierarchical Process(AHP), Standardization method, Fuzzy-sets theory, Gravity model. It suggests that Delphi survey and AHP for deducting weights of each factor. And it finds that it is reasonabe to use Fuzzy-sets theory, Gravity model and Standardization method in calculating values and points for accessibility factors and locational factors.



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