A Study on Mental Health and Quality of Life of Illegal Status Korean-Chinese in Korea

한국거주 불법신분 조선족들의 정신건강 및 삶의 질에 대한 연구

Lee, Gyeong-Mae;Min, Seong-Gil;O, Hui-Cheol

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives:This study was to investigate the mental health status and quality of life of Korean-Chinese workers, who are residing illegally in Korea. Methods:Total 147 illegal status Korean-Chinese workers completed to the questionnaire for demographic data, Korean version of Symptom Check List-90-Revision (SCL-90-R) and Korean version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF). Results:The results of this study showed that general mental health was relatively poor and the quality of life was relatively poorer among Korean-Chinese. Mental health and quality of life were worse among those who accompanied spouses, had no religion, had less income, and those who experienced unjust treatments such as delayed payment, violence and industrial accidents. There were significant correlations between scores of all categories of SCL-90-R and scores of domains of physical health, social relationship and environment in WHOQOL-BREF. Conclusion:These results suggest that Korean-Chinese laborers in illegal status in Korea need improved treatment neleved from delayed payment, social violence and industrial accidents and with extended medical service and better residential environment



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