일개 의과대학 임상실습 교육과정 평가

Park, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Seon

  • Published : 20040000


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to present the results of a clerkship evaluation done through a student questionnaire, to provide appropriate feedback to faculty, and to make constructive suggestions for improving the educational experience during clerkship. Methods: The evaluation was conducted in 2003 at The College of Medicine at Catholic University. 61 fourth-year medical students who had finished their clerkship rotations completed the given questionnaire. This questionnaire was composed of items covering 8 dimensions related to: overall assessment of the clerkship, problems in clerkship contents and methods, the evaluation process, the best preceptor and the characteristics of the best clinical faculty, the most useful educational activities and constraining activities, and areas to be improved. Results: Most of the students gave a negative evaluation to the overall clerkship. The most serious problems were the high number of activities irrelevant to the clerkship and the lack of opportunity for direct participation. The most useful educational activities were: 1) case presentation on assigned patients, 2) ‘mini lectures' provided during ward rounds, 3) assigned patient care as a team, and 4) performing clinical skills under faculty supervision. The most constraining activities were: 1) difficulty interacting with patients as a student, 2) inefficient time management, and 3) unsystematic clinical clerkship schedule. Conclusion: In conclusion, the most fundamental problem in clinical teaching was the lack of support and incentives for clinical teachers. Not only training sessions for faculty and residents but also financial rewards or promotion opportunities need to be provided for a better quality clinical clerkship.



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