Inheritance of Powdery Mildew Resistance, Bitterness, Fruit Rind Hardness and Fruit Shape in Cucurbita spp.

호박의 흰가루병 저항성, 쓴맛, 과피 경도 및 과형의 유전

Cho, Myeong-Cheoul;Om, Young-Hyun;Heo, Yun-Chan;Kim, Jeong-Su;Park, Hyo-Geun

  • Published : 20040000


Inheritance of powdery mildew resistance, fruit bitterness, fruit rind hardness and fruit shape was investigated for breeding high quality and disease resistant varieties from an interspecific cross, between Cucurbita martinezii and C. moschata cv. ‘Wonye 402’. Powdery mildew resistance of C. martinezii was controlled by a single dominant gene with some modifications by minor genes. Bitterness of C. martinezii was controlled by a single dominant gene, and fruit rind hardness was governed by two complementary genes. Fruit shape as determined by the fruit width and length was also controlled by a cumulative major gene and polygenes which make them short. In the $F_2$ generation the fruit rind hardness had a positive correlation with bitterness and a negative correlation with fruit shapes (towards ball-like shape).



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