Comparison on Health Related Fitness of the Korean Diverse Aged Women

여성의 건강관련 체력에 관한 연령별 비교

Jee, Yong-Seok;Lim, Sun-Tea;Yoo, Jae-Hyun

  • Published : 20040000


The aim of this study was to investigate the differences of health related fitness variables in korean women. A total of 419 women were recruited and divided into five age groups; 20s(n=163), 30s(n=99), 40s(n=79), 50s(n=61) and over 60s(n=17). In the results, the cardiopulmonary(F=10.150, p=0.001) and muscular endurance(F=3.360, p=0.010) variables of 20s and 60s were significantly higher and lower than those of other four groups respectively. However, no differences were found among five groups in back strength, grip strength, and flexibility. The body mass indices(BMI) of 50s and 60s were significantly(F=21.033, p=0.001) higher than those of other four groups respectively. As a conclusion, from the results we think that the korean women may be favorable to be prescribed for the exercise programs, which can develop the cardiopulmonary and muscular endurance but decrease the fat mass.



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