Effects of the upper extremity pattern and rhythmic stabilization technique of PNF on the ROM and VAS in Frozen shoulder patients

오십견 환자의 PNF적용 후 견관절 가동범위와 주관적 통증변화에 관한 연구

Koo, Sung-Wan;Chae, Jeong-Ryong;Kim, Hyung-Jun

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to find the effects of upper extremity pattern and rhythmic stabilization technique of PNF(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) on the ROM(Range Of Motion) and VAS(Visual Analogue Scale) in Frozen shoulder patients. Following approval by the chief of neurosurgery, nineteen frozen shoulder patients were divided into two groups : The nine were in the PNF(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) exercise group and the ten others were in the physical therapy group. All subjects were performed with the PNF exercise and the physical therapy for at least 3 weeks. Experimental data were analysed by statistical method t-test and Post-hoc was used for Duncan's multiple range test. All statistical test in this study were conducted at the .05 level of significance. With above experimental process the following results were gained. 1. ROM The PNF exercise group is more effective in increasing ROM such as flexion(t= 27.68,p<.00), extension(t=11.59,p<.00), adduction(t=17.06,p<.00), abduction(t=21.06, p<.00), internal rotation(t=40.51,p<.00), external rotation(t=46.24,p<.00) and compare group was not significant differences on main effect(p<.05). 2. VAS The visual analogue scale of both group(PNF exercise group; t=32.68, physical therapy group; t=10.56, p<.00) was decreased significantly(p<.05). Therefore, in other to prevent and treatment Frozen shoulder patients, it is necessary to ROM, in applying PNF(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), ROM (Range Of Motion) program.



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