Four-Week Repeated-Dose Toxicity Study on Mori radicis Cortex

상백피의 4주 반복투여독성 평가

Hwang, Seok-Yeon;Gwon, Un;Chae, Hui-Yeol;Jo, Yeong-Min;Lee, Nam-Jin;Ryu, Jae-Myeon;Sin, Ji-Sun;Kim, Tae-Myeong;Jo, Jeong-Hui;Kim, Eun-Ju;Park, Jeong-Hwi;Gang, Jong-Gu;Kim, Yun-Bae

  • Published : 20040000


Four-week repeated-dose toxicity study was performed to confirm the safety of the water extract of Mori radicis cortex single (MRCS) or mixed (MRCM) compound. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered with MRCS or MRCM at doses of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/kglday for 28 days. In the results, there were no significant differences in the body weight gain between vehicle control and MRCS or MRCM treatment groups. Also, no significant changes in daily feed intake and water consumption were observed throughout the experimental period. In hematological analysis, there was a trend of increases in red blood cells at 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg of MRCM and in hemoglobin at 0.5 g/kg of MRCM, although such changes were in normal ranges. In addition, white blood cells, especially neutrophils, slightly increased, without statistical significance, following treatment with MRCS or MRCM. Interestingly, serum biochemical parameters including aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase, related to hepatic injuries, decreased at all doses after 28-day treatment with MRCS or MRCM, suggestive of protective effects against tissue damage. No significant changes in organ weights were observed, in accordance with normal features in gross and microscopic findings. Taken together, it is suggested that repeated treatment with the extract of Mori radicis cortex or its mixed compound, available in oriental clinics, may not exert considerable side effects.



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