Comparison of the Academic Achievement by Self-Directed Learning Readiness Levels in a Hybrid Problem Based Learning Course

문제바탕학습을 적용한 통합교육 수업에서 자기주도학습 능력에 따른 학업성취도 비교


  • Published : 20040000


Purpose : The purpose of this study was (1) to compare the relationship between the multiple choice test (MCT) and problem based learning (PBL) achievement, and (2) to determine whether self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) factors had an influence on PBL achievement by SDLR levels in a hybrid PBL course. Methods : The subjects were 2nd year students (N=113) in the Hematology PBL course in Seoul National University, College of Medicine. For the study analysis, data were collected on PBL, MCT and SDLR scores. The SDLRS instrument consisted of 32 items and 6 factors. The SPSSwin(R) program was used to analyze the data and statistics such as correlation, F-test, and multiple regression analysis. Results : Firstly, the results showed a significant relationship between PBL and SDLR scores (r=.583; p<.05). Meanwhile, the relationships between MCT and PBL (r=.145), and between MCT and SDLR scores (r=-.067) were insignificant. Secondly, the PBL score by SDLR levels (high, middle, low) showed a statistically significant difference (F=15.98; p<.05). Thirdly, It was proved by multiple regression analysis that the SDLR factors and PBL score by SDLR levels were explained by the following three factors : love of learning (R^2=18.8{\%}; high level), self understanding (R^2=17.2{\%}; middle level), inquiry to learning (R^2=19.0{\%}; low level). Conclusion : The results of this study indicated that there was a significant correlation between PBL score and SDLR levels. It showed that the higher SDLR scores, the more successful in the independent situations such as PBL. Further study is needed so that suitable instructional methods for medical students can be conducted in integrated curriculum.



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