The effects of 12weeks training dependinng on existing or non-existing obese genes to metabolic regulatory hormones, blood lipids and body compositions.

비만유전자 변이 유.무에 따른 12주간의 운동이 대사조절호르몬, 혈중지질, 신체구성에 미치는 영향

Wang, Suk-Woo

  • Published : 20040000


The subjects of this study were 18 women with more than 30% of body fat who were obese women aged more than 35 years. They were classified into two groups 9 each; the group of genetic mutation and the group of normal gene according to the presence or absence of genetic mutation by analyzing the gene polymorphism of β3-adrenaline receptor and protein. They were asked to engage in the combined exercise of aerobic exercise and weight training at the 60~70% intensity of aerobic exercise and the 60% of weight training for daily 60 minutes five times a week for 12 weeks. After completion of the 12-week training, the attempt was made to analyze the picture of the change in metabolic regulatory hormone, blood lipid and body composition to identify the effectiveness of the training. In conclusion, there was no change in obese hormones such as leptin, insulin, and blood lipid, and weight, abdominal fat and body mass index between the group of mutation and normality of the β3-adrenaline receptor and protein gene, genetic factors, in carrying out the exercise program. This implies that there was no difference in genetic obesity or acquired obesity after the 12-week exercise program. Accordingly, it is thought that continual exercise would make no change to such obese hormones as leptin, insulin and blood lipid, and weight, abdominal fat and body mass index according to hereditary obesity and acquired obesity. However, both the group of gene mutation and of gene normality showed a high improvement in such obese hormones as leptin, insulin and high-density lipoprotein, and % body fat, abdominal fat and body mass index after the 12-week exercise program. This suggests that continual exercise could affect an effective improvement to obese middle-aged women in both the mutation and normal group.



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