The Relationship between Spectating Environment and Desire to Stay or Satisfaction of Spectating in Public Performance of Dancing

무용 공연의 관람환경과 관람지속욕구 및 관람만족의 관계

Jeong, Ok-Jo;Jo, Song-Hyeon;Chang, Kyung-Ro

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between spectating environment and spectating satisfaction including desire to stay in public performance of dancing. In detail, this study was first, to verify the relationship between spectating environment and desire to stay in public performance of dancing, second, to examine spectating environment and spectating satisfaction. The population of this study was spectator who attended at public performance of dancing in Seoul. Using convenient sampling method, 873 were asked to respond the survey instrument. Out of 873 data, 807 data were finally used for this study. The result of the reliability check up was here below; accessibility α=.714, attraction α=.741, cleanness α=.666, spectating cost α=.638, spectating promotion α=.646, desire to stay α=.793, satisfaction of spectating α=.738. Also, validity check up through the confirmatory factor analysis using Amos 4.0 program. The statistical technique for data analysis were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis by SPSS/PC ver 10.0 program. The conclusions of this study were as follows: First, spectating environment influenced a positive effect on desire to stay. Especially, accessibility and spectating promotion had more effect on desire to stay. Second, spectating environment influenced a positive effect on satisfaction of spectating. Especially, accessibility and spectating promotion had more effect on satisfaction of spectating. In summarizing the result of this study, marketer should concentrate on accessibility and spectating promotion among diverse spectating environment in managing the public performance of dancing. Through this kind of effort customer will be provided the better chance of having satisfaction during their spectating.



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