Reliability and Validity of the KOREAN VERSION of the Preschool Temperament and Character Inventory(K-psTCI)

'한국판 학령전기 기질성격검사(K-psTCI)'의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검사

Park, Jin-Gyun;Kim, Ji-Ung;Gi, Seon-Wan;Sin, Ui-Jin

  • Published : 20040000


Objectives:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Preschool Temperament and Character Inventory (K-psTCI), a questionnaire based on Cloninger’s seven-factor model of personality. Methods:The psTCI was translated into Korean and administered to 266 children aged 2-6 years. A test-retest study of the K-psTCI was conducted across a 4-month interval. Internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach α. Test-retest and reliability was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis. Factor analyses for the temperament and character dimensions were performed using principal component analysis, rotating factors by varimax. The psTCI scores of Korean and United States preschoolers were compared. Results:Cronbach α values for the K-psTCI scales ranged from .62 to .78 for each dimensions. Test-retest correlations (r) ranged from .50 to .77 for each dimensions. Explorative factor analysis with the condition of eigenvalue greater than 2 produced four factors for the temperament items and three factors for the character items like the US original version of psTCI. Through factor analyses, five items in the K-psTCI were categorized differently from the US version of psTCI. Korean preschoolers had higher mean scores on Cooperativeness (CO) in males as compared to a sample of US preschoolers. Conclusion:The results of this study suggests that the Korean preschool TCI is satisfactory in reliability and validity



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