Qualitative Research in Dance Education

무용교육에서의 질적 연구

Park, Jung-Gil

  • Published : 20040000


The purpose of this study was to describe some qualitative characteristics of dance itself and suggest how to apply qualitative research methodology into the field of dance education. Qualitative research method in dance education field has been slowly increased. The major qualitative data collection techniques introduce many ways for investigating systematically. These techniques include observation, interviews, and documents. The qualitative data analysis and interpretation techniques provide guidelines and techniques for data analysis. The consideration of qualitative research which are is the hypothesis setting, theparticipant, validity, reliability etc. are present. It addresses the importance of ways to assure the quality of qualitatively oriented the research. In addition, this articel describes the ethical issues that confront researchers and suggest a series of ethical guideposts to help ensure that the research is undertaken in an ethical manner.



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