참여정부의 중앙-지방정부 관계 분석

Won, Gu-Hwan

  • Published : 20040000


This study is centered on two concepts of central and local government: cooperation-control, centralization-decentralization. Through the degree on the self autonomy in the Korean Participatory Government, this study analyzed the relationship between central and local government. Viewing from management perspective, especially focused on the ordinance, function, organization, financing, it is revealed that responsible autonomous foundation has not yet been laid out. In order to establish the decentralized cooperative relationship, it is necessary to eliminate the one way control system from central government to local government which is unsuitable to the vision of Participatory Government, and the interdependent horizontal relationship is needed. Also there is no doubt that central and local governments will play a stronger role in our society in the years ahead. On the issue of rebalancing the central-local relations, it is truly time for a change.



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