Survey for Technology Forecasting using Delphi in Horticultural Science

원예분야의 델파이 기술예측조사

Hwang, Jun-Gu;Lee, Jong-In;Lee, Jung-Myung;Cho, Keun-Tae;Cho, Yong-Gon

  • Published : 20040000


The study was designed to forecast and derive future core technologies using Delphi method in Korea horticultural agriculture. The technologies will make agriculture for core and strategic industry that has high value-added in 21 century. Questions were given to specialists by each technology in order to survey importance, realization time, level of R&D in Korea and foremost country, leading group of R&D, effective policy, etc. for each technology. The target of the survey for Delphi is confined to specialists in the area of horticultural science. Eighty seven core technologies were derived and these were further classified based on the importance and technological differences as compared to well-advanced countries by 42 specialists who answered the survey.

한국에서의 농업 중 원예 분야에서 21세기 고부가가치의 전략 핵심사업의 단계적 발전을 위한 델파이조사를 실시하였다. 국내의 원예 분야 전문가를 대상으로 하여 해당 기술의 중요성, 국내외 수준비교, 실현적합시기에 관한 기술수요조사와 문헌에 근거하여 87개의 기술과제명이 도출되었으며 이들 과제를 전문가 집단이 평가하여 중요도 지수가 높은 30개 과제와 국내연구개발수준이 높은 20개 과제 등으로 구분되었다.



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