임플란트를 위한 국소마취하의 장골 및 경골 이식술

Lee, Baek-Soo;Lee, Deok-Won;Lee, Sang-Chull;Kim, Hyun-Chull

  • Published : 20040000


The use of cancellous, cortical and cortico-cancellous graft has become common practice in the surgical treatment of craniofacial deformities and in reconstructive surgery after ablative tumor surgery involving the jaws. Because of its accessibility and quantity of bone, the anterior iliac and tibial bones are favorable donor sites for many clinicians. For reconstruction of the severely resorbed edentulous maxilla and mandible, a combination of bone grafting and insertion of endosteal implants is frequently required. Generally for the control of pain and general condition, many patients are admired before operations and the operation is performed under general anesthesia. But iliac and tibial bone graft materials can be also obtained under local anesthesia for satisfying the patient’s need of time and cost reduction. The harvesting technique is simple, is not time consuming and produces resonable amounts of cancellous or cortico-cancellous bone with a simple instrument. This method performed under local anesthesia and allows weight bearing immediately postoperatively. Proximal tibia and anterior iliac bone can be considered a suitable donor site for definen indications in bone grating proceduresin implant surgery. So we report some cases of iliac and tibial bone graft for dental implant under local anesthesia.



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