Pit and fissure sealant status of elementary and middle school children in 3 cities, Chollabuk-do

전라북도 일부 시 지역 청소년의 치면열구전색 실태

Jeon, Jae-Gyu;Chang, Kee-Wan

  • Published : 20040900


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status of pit and fissure sealant of elementary and middle school children in 3 cities, Jeon-ju, Kun-san and Kim-jae, Chollabuk-do. Three trained and calibrated dentists (Kappa agreement 0.8) examined 6,592 subjects who were in elementary and middle school in Jeon-ju, Kun-san, or Kim-jae, Sealant was judged 'exist' if some pit and fissure was covered by sealant and no dental caries. If a tooth with a sealant had dental caries, it was judged 'none'. Analysis of variance, independent-samples t-test, or chi-square test were used to analyze the significance of the difference between the variables. In total, the mean number of sealant teeth and sealant tooth surfaces were $O.96\pm1.67\;and\;1.19\pm2.14$, respectively. The rate of children who had a sealant or more was 33.9%. When the mean number of sealant teeth and sealant tooth surfaces and the rate of children who had a sealant or sealants were considered according to regions and gender, there were no significant differences. However, classified according to age, the mean number of sealant teeth and sealant tooth surfaces and the rate of children who had a sealant or sealants were Significantly different. the children in high grades had more sealants. Regarding the tooth type, the first molar had more sealants than any other teeth



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