A Study for the College subject necessary degree of Dental Hygienists in Public health center

지역사회구강보건활동현장 치과위생사들의 교과목 필요도에 관한 조사연구

Nam, Yong-Ok;Kim, Ji-Young;Park, In-Soak

  • Published : 20041200


To obtain database for developing educational curriculum for dental hygienists in public health center, the authors evaluated the questionnaire of 14 items with a 6 subjects. The subjects were dental hygienists from public health center and their branches throughout the nation. And the questionnaire was about general present condition, the subject relation for major education, business of licence, education training factors. The results were as follows; 1. The most respondents answered that the essential subjects exception of oral anatomy and dental morphology were helping them in a very big way. They answered that especially the oral health education class & training, preventive dentistry class & training, and oral prophylaxis class & training assisted them quiet a lot. This result showed that these subjects of studies play very important roles in the field of their studied. 2. The respondents answered in the case of the elective courses, dental material class & practice, dental health administrative class, and oral epidemiology class assisted them greatly in this order. However, the study result showed that dental orthodontic class and oral physiology class did not help that much. 3. In the case of supplementary classes, the courses of biology, physiology, woman's studies, fine arts in life, oral microbiology, dental pharmacology, and nutritional science, etc. appeared that they did not help significantly. 4. The desired courses that needs to be newly implemented in the colleges are oral health and periodontal health science, special patient oral health science and community of dental hygiene training, practical education and education engineering. Above 50% of the respondents answered these courses were necessary. Therefore the study showed that the establishment of these new courses in the college level was urgent. 5. In types of civil qualification certificate which students wanted to obtain, the certificate of the health educator was the most popular with 83.3%, but the current certificate they currently have varied from world processor, story teller, and nursing assistant, etc. 6. The additional training they received was about 5-10 hours training twice a year in average, and the degree of the additional training assistance was higher than average which was positive. 7. They felt that the most needed educational classes were pedagogics related fields and computer field(program development/evaluation). After combining the study results, current implementation of dental hygiene curriculum inadequately reflect the professional dental hygienists working in the local dental health clinics; and therefore, we examined that there was a need to make an adequate.



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