Occurrence Characteristics and Dynamics of Weed Flora in Orchards of the Yeongnam Area

영남지역 과수원의 잡초 발생양상 및 군락 특성

Hwang, J.B.;Song, S.B.;Lee, D.C.;Park, S.T.;Kim, S.C.;Park, J.E.

  • Published : 20040000


This survey of weed population of various orchards from Aug. to Oct. was conducted to investigate information on weed flora and its ecology at Yeongnam area in 2003. Weeds of orchards composed of 92 species belonging to 31 families. Among 31 families, 22 weed species belonged to Asteraceae (23.9%) were the biggest family, Poaceae were 13 species (14.1%), Polygonaceae 7 species (7.6%), Cruciferae 6 species (6.5%), and Cyperaceae 4 species (4.3%), respectively. Summed dominance ratio (SDR) by species is Digitaria sanguinalis 46.8%, Lindernia procumbens 61.0%, Arthraxon hispidus Persicaria hydropiper 46.8%, Echinochloa crus-galli 42.9%, Humulus japonicus38.2%, 36.7%, Cyperus iria 34.8%, Bidens bipinnata 33.8%, Acalypha australis 32.2%, and Corydalis incisa 31.7%, respectively. Coefficient of similarity between a various orchards in based on the degree of dominance were ranged from 34.8% to 76.1%. The most important 10 weed species at apple, pear, peach, grape, japanese apricot, and plum orchard were Digitaria sanguinalis, while these for jujube was Cyperus iria, citron was Echinochloa crus-galli, kiwifruit was Galinsoga ciliata. Phytograph index (PI) were Digitaria sanguinalis (41.9%), Lindernia procumbens (37.7%), Arthraxon hispidus (27.7%), Echinochloa crus-galli (17.9%), and Persicaria hydropiper (13.4%), respectively



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