What does Ki-hap(shout) Mean in Oriental Martial Arts

東洋武藝에 있어서 氣合의 의미

Kim, Yi-Soo

  • Published : 20040000


This research started from a question, 'What does Ki-hap mean to trainers in martial arts?' It is conducted on two kinds of methods: the Participation & Observation Method (Qualitative Research Methodology) and the In-depth Interview Method. As a result of the research, it suggested that Ki-hap displays strong mental & psychological senses including even life & death. In terms of word meaning, it means, 'to encourage others to do' as well as 'to recover one's feeling, breath, & spirit. In particular, it also revealed that Ki-hap could be used as 'one method to express life to oneself with renewed vigor.' Accordingly, Ki-hap can be defined as 'a series of activities to control one's breath through shouts, focus one's attention, then regain one's spirit. Especially, it is displayed in various types and methods on the stage of martial arts, namely, three methods: the beginning, the intermediate and the final. They are, however, voluntary Ki-hap(unconscious & natural Ki-hap) in common, which should promote confidence and concentration of the self while showing one's power to and confusing foes. In particular, the ultimate goal of Ki-hap is regarded as one method to culminate in martial skills, through the unity of spirit, mind and body. ※ Note: Ki-hap The sound produced when martial arts trainers shout themselves for concentration of spirit in martial arts, such as Taekwondo; Judo; Hapkido; Karate; etc. In the Western Societies, it is not called KI-hap but Kiai from Japan.



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