The oral health status of low socioeconomic elderly people in Korea

기초생활수급 대상 노인들의 구강건강상태 조사연구

Kwon, Ho-Keun;Kim, Young-Nam;Kim, Bak-Il;Yoo, Ja-Hea

  • Published : 20040300


The purpose of this study were to investigate the oral health condition of low socioeconomic old aged population, and to use basic data for oral health policy of old aged. Oral examination and oral health survey were performed for 976 low socioeconomic population over the 65 years old. The results are as follows; 1. DMFT index was 17.7 in 65~74 years old and 21.7 in over the 75 years old. 2. In the mean number of remaining teeth, 65-74 years old was 15.2 and over the 75 years old was 10.6. The mean number of functioning teeth was each 13.1 and 9.0. 3. Over 70% of elderly people thought that their oral condition are not health, but elderly people who visit dental clinic in last one year was less than 30016. Smoking and drinking rate were each 35.8% and 35.1% in 65~74 years old, and were 19.8% and 9.3% in over the 75 years old. As the result of this study, low socioeconomic old aged population had higher prevalence and severity of oral disease than general old aged population. Also the elderly had high denture need and demand. For that reason, preventive dental care and a public denture program for low socioeconomic elderly people is most keenly necessary.



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