A Study on the Family Stress and Coping Strategy, Family Strengths among Commuting Couples

주말부부의 가족스트레스, 대처전략 및 가족건강성 연구

  • 최정혜 (경상대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the family stresses and its managing strategy to cope with the stresses, and family strengths among commuting couples. The participants of this study consisted of a national samples of 134 couples (268 individuals), whose has been commuting for at least six months The major findings obtained from the study are summarized in the following: 1) The degree of family stresses among commuting couples was 2.98, when the maximal stress value was set to 5.0. The most stressful aspect for the commuting couples came from the role of parents who care for their children. 2) The degree of coping strategy among commuting couples was 3.37, when the maximal coping strategy value was set to 5.0. Among the strategies, the 'cognitive restructuring' shows the first. 3) The degree of family strengths among commuting couples was 3.76, when the maximal strengths value was set to 5.0. Also factors affecting the family strengths among commuting couples are dependent on their educational degree, religion, kind of jobs, commuting and conjugal periods, moving person, meeting frequencies, self-esteem and marital satisfaction. 4) The most effective variable of family strengths among commuting couples was marital satisfaction.



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