Utilization of Internet Health Information Sites by Undergraduates at Colleges Related to Public Health

보건관련학과 대학생들의 인터넷을 통한 건강관련 정보활용도

  • Published : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the utilization of Internet health information sites by undergraduates at colleges related to public health. A self-administered questionnaire survey was carried out by 2,400 student from university and colleges in Taegu and Kyongsangbuk-do area from March 11, 2002 to March 31, 2002. 58.8% of the subjects responded that once connected rate of health information sites on the internet for year. In the connection rate of health information sites on the internet, the low class($\leq$300%), the middle class(40-70%), and the high class(80%$\leq$) accounted for 89.8%, 9.0%, and 1.2%, respectively. A ranking of internet health information sites, diseases are ranked frist and exercise is ranked second and obesity is ranked third. The motives Students submit reports 36.1% and obtained knowledge 22.8%. Sufficiency of health information sites on the internet, sufficient 19.6%, common 56.3%, and insufficient 24.1%, Satisfaction of health information, satisfied 18.4%, common 63.1%, and dissatisfied 18.4%. With regards to the health behavior of the subjects that contacted Internet health information sites, the nonsmoking rate was 86.2%, the nondrinking rate was 28.9%, the rate of exercise practice was 22.6%, the rate of normal sleep was 66.3%, the rate of eating breakfast was 37.1%, the rate of not eating between meals was 4.8%, and the standard BMI was 14.3%. With regards to the health behavior of the subjects that had not contacted Internet health information sites, the nonsmoking rate was 84.9%, the nondrinking rate was 26.0%, the rate of exercise practice was 18.5%, the rate of normal sleep was 72.1%, the rate of eating breakfast was 34.3%, the rate of not eating between meals was 5.0%, and the standard BMI was 17.0%. In the frequency of health behavior, the subjects with the Breslow Index of 0-3, 4-5 and 6-7 accounted for 80.9%, 18.8%, and 0.2%, respectively. The average score of health behavior was 2.80 out of 7. In conclusion, Internet health information sites are required for students to understand proper, reliable, interesting information and there is a need to develop simple criteria that the general public can understand and utilize.



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