A Comparative Study on the Dietary Attitudes, Nutrition Knowledge, Nutrient Intake, Eating-Related Characteristics of Dancing Major and Non-major Female University Students

무용전공자와 비전공자의 식생활태도, 영양지식, 영양상태 및 섭식특성 비교

  • Published : 2004.08.01


This study was carried out to investigate the dietary attitudes, nutrition knowledge, nutrient intake, eating-related characteristics of dancing major and non-major female university students. The survey was conducted from October 1 to November 10, 2003 by questionnaires and data analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows: 25.5% of the underweight group, 53.6% of the normal weight group, 12.5% of the overweight group and 66.7% of the obese group had correct perception about their body image. Eighty-one point three percent of the dancing majors and 77.2% of the non-majors were concerned about weight control, and 71.3% of the dancing majors and 64.5% of the non-majors had weight control experiences. There were no significant differences in nutrition knowledge scores and dietary attitude scores between dancing majors and non-majors. There were no significant differences in ‘predisposition to obesity scores’ between dancing majors and non-majors, and the scores were low. ‘Predisposition to anorexia’ scores and ‘uncontrollable urges to eat’ scores were significantly higher in the dancing majors compared to the non-majors. Intakes of the nutrients were lower than those of the Korean recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), except vitamin C in the dancing majors. Intakes of calories, calcium and iron were lower than those of the RDAs in the non-majors. Dietary attitude was positively correlated with nutrition knowledge but was negatively correlated with ‘uncont-rollable urges to eat’. In the dancing majors, ‘predisposition to obesity’ showed significantly positive correlation with obesity rate and ‘uncontrollable urges to eat’ and was negatively correlated with nutrition knowledge and dietary attitude. In the non-majors, obesity rate showed positive correlation with ‘predisposition to obesity’ and ‘uncontrollable urges to eat’. Therefore proper nutritional education program and recommended dietary allowances are required for dancing majors to improve their nutritional status.



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