Relationship between Depression and Resilience among Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

신증후군 환아의 극복력과 우울의 관계분석

  • Published : 2004.06.01


Purpose: The purposes of this study were to describe the relationship between depression and resilience and to identify variables associated with depression among children with nephrotic syndrome. Method: Data was collected from 45 children who were registered at one hospital in Seoul. The criteria for sample selection were 10 to 15 year-old children who were diagnosed at least 6 month prior. The instruments included a self-reported questionnaire on resilience by Kim, CDI by Beck, and MBRI by Kwak. Descriptive, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were done. Result: The mean score of depression was 11.44 (range:0-54) and resilience was 97.47 (range:32-128). There were significant positive relationships between depression and age (r=0.302, p<.005) and academic achievement (r=-0.318, p<.005). In addition, negative relationships between depression and maternal attitude (r=-0.412, p<.001) and resilience (r=-0.649, p<.001) occurred. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that maternal behavior (${\beta}$=-0.421, p<.005) and resilience (${\beta}$=-0.639, p<.001) were related to depression. Conclusion: Children with higher resilience and with an affectionate mother were less depressed. Thus, it is important to identify strengths of children and help them to increase resilience and implement parenting and counseling programs for parents' of these children. Similar studies with children with other chronic illnesses are needed.



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