School Dietitians′ Perception on Nutrition Labelling of the Processed and Packaged Foods in Incheon

인천지역 학교급식 영양사의 가공포장식품 영양표시에 대한 인식

  • 정혜열 (인하대학교 교육대학권 가정교육전공) ;
  • 장경자 (인하대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate school dietitians' perception on nutrition labelling of processed and packaged foods in the Incheon area. This study was carried out through a self-administered questionnaire and the subjects were 203 school dietitians. The results were summarized as follows. Most of the subjects checked nutrition labeling of processed and packaged foods when they purchased these foods for school lunch. However, the main reason for their checking nutrition labeling of processed and packaged foods was not for nutrition but for food safety. There were significant differences in the subjects' understanding and trust on nutrition labeling of processed and packaged foods by employment school. The scores of the subjects' satisfaction, understanding and trust on nutrition labeling of processed and packaged foods were not high. There were significant differences in the subjects' perception and concern about content information on nutrition labeling of domestic processed and packaged foods by employment school. Most of the subjects answered that it is almost necessary or very necessary to implement nutrition labelling of processed and packaged foods. Also their most preferred method of nutrition labelling was to label nutrient content. As the most important nutrient and functional component necessary for nutrition labelling, they answered energy, mineral such as calcium and iron, protein, total fat, cholesterol, vitamin, sodium and dietary fiber in order. As the major prerequisite task for the implementation of nutrition labelling, they answered formulation of nutrition labelling-related rules, and education and motivation for consumer, Therefore, it is necessary to activate the mandatory nutrition labelling of the processed and packaged foods and to prepare its consumer education program for school dietitian.



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