A Survey on the Wearing Conditions for the Improvement of Wearing Comfort of Brassiere

브래지어의 착용감 개선을 위한 착용실태 조사

  • Lim, Ji-Young (Dept. of Fashion Design, Tongmyong University of Information Technology)
  • 임지영 (동명정보대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Received : 2004.02.12
  • Published : 2004.08.30


This study was performed to analyze the wearing practice and the purchasing characteristics of brassieres in order to offer basic data to produce superior brassiere and to improve the wearing comfort. The questionnaire were 146 Korean college female students. For data analysis, descriptive analysis, crosstabs, factor analysis and one-way ANOVA were used. The results were as follows, first, most subjects didn't know the sizing system of brassiere and their own breast size. So the degree of satisfaction of wearing brassiere was low than subjects who knew their own breast size. And they replied that the most unsatisfaction factor was brassiere size. Second, when subjects decided to purchase a brassiere they considered size, design, color, cost, fabric and brand and so on. Among them size and design were considered the most important. Third, the subjects who wear brassiere all day long, they considered wearing comfort and cost rather than design and collar. Therefore, the markets with brassieres would be able to segmented based on consumers' characteristics. Firth, the subjects were dissatisified at size, the taking off wire and shape modification after washing. And they requested the development of various size, fabric and cost improvement and fittness of brassieres. These results imply that to improve the wearing comfort of brassiere, it is so important to produce and develop various types of size first of all. And consumers should know size system of brassiere and their own breast size.



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