소형 임대주택 가구특성 및 실내공간 이용실태 조사 연구

A Study on the Residents Characteristic and the Inner Space Use of Small-Sized Rental Multi-family Housing

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


As the provision of National Rental Housing has led the consciousness on rental housing changed, it becomes more necessary to improve the quality of rental housing. The purpose of this study is to analyze the inner space use of a unit and residents' consciousness on the results of surveying the residents in order to construct rental housing which provides comfort residental environment for the residents. Data was collected through questionnaire surveys(459 residents) from 5 estates including 3 estates of National Rental Housing and 2 estates of Public Rental Housing, which is $36m^{2}\;and\;45m^{2}$ of net area of a unit, for the actual use conditions and their requirements on the inner space of a unit. The results are as follows ; 1) The rental housing differentiated according to the needs from the residents' characteristics should be developed. 2) The main demand household for rental housing is established to that of 4 families including a 40s year-old couple and that of 3 or 4 families including a 30s year-old couple, and a double income family. But the type of household becomes more diverse than before. 3) It is necessary to plan the living room for the Multi-functional inner space emphasizing commom space 4) The various and efficient storage space and system for the residents' demands.



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