Relations of Life Style, Nutrient Intake, and Blood Lipids in Middle-Aged Men with Borderline Hyperlipidemia

경계수준의 고지혈증 중년 남성의 생활 습관 및 영양상태와 혈중 지질수준과의 관계

  • Choi Mi-Ja (Department of Food and Nutrition Keimyung University)
  • Published : 2005.06.01


Hyperlipidemia and related heart disease will be growing public health problems as the population ages. It is therefore of great importance to identify modifiable risk factors. So this research investigated associations among life style, nutrient intake, and blood lipids in middle-aged men with borderline hyperlipidemia. Dietary intakes were assessed by food-frequency questionnaire and convenient method. The subject's histories of alcohol use and smoking were assessed via a questionnaire. Current smokers were classified as smokers, whereas past smokers and subjects who never smoked were classified as nonsmokers. With regard to alcohol intake, the subjects were stratified into drinkers and nondrinkers. In drinkers the frequency were measured. Frequency of alcohol intake and weight were associated with high blood lipids and blood pressure. The highest quartile of calcium intake had lower triglyceride concentration than did those in the lower three quartiles. High calcium intake was associated with low blood triglyceride concentration. These results suggest that healthy weight and high calcium intake and less alcohol intake can contribute to maintenance of healthy blood lipids in men.



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