우리나라 미인대회를 통매 본 이상적 몸의 변화 특성에 관한 연구 - 미스코리아와 슈퍼모델 대회를 중심으로 -

A Study of the Ideal Body in Korean Beauty Contests - Focus on Miss Korea and Super Model Contests -

  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


The purpose of this study was to interpret consistently a phenomenon in Korean Women's ideal body with analyzing the change of the body of winners in beauty contests such as Miss Korea and Super Model. The method of this study was to investigate the objective data of body size of winners in beauty contests. The meanings in the change of Korean Women's ideal body are as follows. First, the body have got the commercial value with the start of Miss Korea contest and maximized its commercial purpose with the introduction of Super Model contest. While Miss Korea contestants are evaluated by their body, character, intelligence altogether, Super Model contestants are evaluated by body itself than other factors. So the body of Super Model is accepted as the highly value added commodity. Second, a tall height as a natural gift anions characteristic of the ideal body have become the significant factor of the myth of social and commercial success.



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