Couple Relationship Factors Predicting Marital Satisfaction and Divorce Intention Over Time

결혼만족도와 이혼의도에 관련된 부부관계요인: 신혼 초와 현재 결혼생활의 변화

  • Published : 2005.10.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the change of couple relationship factors predicting marital satisfaction and divorce intention over time tv comparing the couples' first year with their present year of marriage. The couple relationship factors consisted of affection, ambivalence, affectional expression, the expression of negativity. The study subjects 355 married women having preschool children aged 7 years old and elementary school students in the 6th grade. Data were analyzed by SPSSWIN with the method of MANOVA. The results of this study showed that couples in happy groups without divorce intention became less affectionate and demonstrated less affectional expression, and more ambivalence and expression of negativity over time. However, the amount of change was not as large as that of the unhappy groups. The findings of this research indicated that the decline of affection and affectional expression and the increase of ambivalence and expression of negativity were probably, as normative, a natural consequence of the transition from the first year of marriage to a more mature relationship. Therefore, the change over time was not important. However, the amount and aspects of change were the main points which researchers and practitioners should pal attention to in the future.



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